5 Tips to Quickly Get Your Energy

1.   Yawn Away
"Yawning is your body's of cooling down the brain, essentially waking it up," explains Andrew Gallup, PhD, a research associate at Princeton University.

2.   Get Moving
That's how long you'll feel revved up after taking just a 10 minutes walk, according to a study in Personality and Social Psychology.

3.   Go to Youtube
It's official: We give you permission to watch that dancing hamster video at work. A good laugh raises your blood pressure and boosts heart rate, too, which can pum you up when you're feeling sluggish, says Robert R. Provine, PhD, author of Laughter.

4.   See some Red
Spotting something scarlet can actually kick you into high gear. Seeing the fiery color makes your muscles move faster and work harder, giving you a burst of energy when you need it most, according to University of Rochester research. Keep crimson flowers in your sight line to pep up a jam-packed day.

5.   Sprinkle these
Not into espresso shots? Get your energy from chia seeds. They're packed with a revitalizing combo of B vitamins, fiber, and protein, so they pick you up without making you jittery. You can simply stir them into your yoghurt.

Source: http://www.health.com

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